Thursday, October 28, 2010
Harem Pants!
*Harem pants LoVeRs Stand up!!**
I've wanted to Design some Harem Pants for a while Now..So I decided to Just Do it!!..The fabric I choose was Silver and Shiney.Kinda daring for My first time..I didn't wanna get to Close to The 9o's Popular HAMMER PANTS!..So I was Stitching Verrrrrrryyy Slow..(lol)
As the Pants began to take form, My confidence grew,the shape of them was exactly what I had envisioned.There super comfy, But still figure Flattering.I had 2 have pockets of course! (i'm addicted 2 pockets) hehe I also wanted them to be Long with a different style element at the ankle.Noting to flashy,but not boring or basic either. So I made them with a slight slant and gather on the inside seam.I can't wait to ROCK em!!!
(pictured with the Harlei bell sleeve shirt Available NOW!!
(If your interested in the harem pants email me:
*Happy that Design idea is outta my head! Now On to the Next 1.......
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