Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Current thoughts........

Social networking sites are great for "networking".....If u have a business or product and your not sharing or promoting it on any or ALL available sites your doing yourself an injustice... It's cool to post personal pic's...your thoughts etc...But at the end of the day, does it bring more awareness to your brand?.... One thing that is crucial and imperative is that your name or brand is consistent on ALL sites...Example: *Chargrels Couture* is the same on FB,Twitter,instagram,linkedin,keek,Tumblr, My Blog etc....(PLUG)...lol  . All of these are FREE and all have a different following base, and is a great forum to introduce your product to NEW people....With the click of a button you can share and promote your product to tons of people at 1 time... I always get asked questions,emails,inbox etc.. from people that have tons of questions about how to get started,what direction to go in, what makes me tick or about my Movement.... and my answer is ALWAYS the same...BE CONSISTENT!...It's  as simple a that!..Alot of peoples commitment is based on convenience. You will always limit your potential that way. You must  do the work in order to gain the prize. Nothing worth having happens overnite. You must be willing to sacrifice being uncomfortable for a short time to later gain the stability and success  that you ultimately seek. Each one of us are BLESSED with a GIFT. Walk in your gift!  Find out what your good at, what  makes you smile while your doing it... what you would be willing to do for free....Some time your gift is right under your nose... What is something your family and friends always ask you for or to do, is it advice/counseling? ,your famous lasagna? organizing events? party planning? or maybe even your fashion sense or your eye for detail..what ever it is, take a step further than your current state, Push pass your comfort zone that's where the GREATER you resides.... NOW is the time to go from Good to GREAT!...Let  2day be the Start of the *NEW YOU....The ONLY person that can stop you from accomplishing your goals is YOU!... So while your on FB reading this ask yourself... What are you promoting or sharing?
Let your actions reflect your intentions.
Char :)

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