Saturday, December 14, 2013

Throwback interview (Circa 2007 )

Here's a #THROWBACK interview I did in 2007 with one of my FAVORITE Blogs (FLYGIRLBLOG )

Wow! Almost 7 years later....My thoughts and beliefs are pretty much the same, I have since then accomplished more than I could have ever imagined at that time... Looking back I'm so grateful for my tenacity, resilience and rebellious spirit and unwaivering belief in pushing my gift to the limit!
It was my 1st feature on a blog, and I  remember being so Xcited and kinda
I had just recently got a FLAGSHIP "CHARGRELS COUTURE" boutique in Eastpointe Michigan. So it was a very special time for me.

I'm so grateful and thankful for movement!
Chargrels Couture is still ROCKING OUT 7years Later!...Whoot Whoot!!

Check out My Throwback interview with Fashion Blogger: Andrea Pippins (FLYGIRLBLOG)

(Circa 2007)
Fly Girl of the Week
This week's fly girl is a fashion designer and boutique owner from the good old Motor City, Detroit, MI.
Who: Charketa,
Where: In this picture I'm in my first boutique. My decor is vintage themed. I'm from Detroit, MI born and raised, but I have definite plans to move in the near future. Not really sure where yet.
What do you do?I'm a fashion designer, I have a womens fashion line called CHARGRELS. All of the items I make are one of a kind. I use new and vintage materials, and I reconstruct vintage pieces.
What inspires you?GOD, my family, friends, colors, shapes, music. Inspiration comes unexpected. I'm also inspired by the thought of my future.
Why are you fly? I'm fly because I'm not afraid to be myself, to make mistakes, to say thank you, to ask how can I help. To share my connects and contacts. To hug a stranger. I'm not afraid to laugh at a corny joke, or at myself, to cry at a sad movie, to shout out "Hell to the Naw" (thanks Whitney) when something is not right. To just take each situation as it comes and deal with it accordingly. I'm Fly because I know that perfect does not exist and I don't try to create it. I'm fly just cause I am.
Advice: Ummm...where do I begin? I have a cluster of tid bit advice...Never let anyone create your world. Don't be afraid to ask for and to get what you want. Stop comparing yourself to her, she's comparing herself to you. Smile way to much, it warms the heart and opens the world up to you. Follow that little voice in your head, you hear it for a reason. Be a trendsetter, it hasn't been done yet because you have yet to do it! Be and look fly and push life to the

But the Dream remains the same!
Still FLY!

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